The FLEET Node at RMIT University connects two investigators from the School of Physics and the School of Engineering with colleagues in six other Australian universities and 18 other Australian and international science centres. The RMIT node of the Centre is led by Prof Lan Wang, who also leads the Centre’s Enabling Technology Theme B, nano device fabrication.


Upcoming Events at RMIT

News at RMIT

Surfaces on the move: dynamic liquefaction

Infrastructure funding for FLEET researchers

Quantum atoms in regional Victoria outreach

ARC Discovery funding

Aluminium oxides-based LED encapsulant

Space has gotten small with metallic, planet-like nanodroplets

Tiny device mimics human vision and memory abilities

Node Administrator – FLEET at RMIT

New CI Torben Daeneke

Destroying the superconductivity in a kagome metal

FLEET represents at Quantum Australia

Leadership training

FLEET translation: extending LED device lifetime with liquid-metal printed oxides

Boom! Watch out below. FLEET take their energy and forces workshop to Hughesdale Primary School

A drop in the sea of electrons: Understanding Fermi polarons and their interactions

New FLEET Industry Relations Chair

What you see is what you get with pre-characterised TMDs: FLEET Translation Program

Manipulating interlayer magnetic coupling in van der Waals heterostructures

Topological superconductors: fertile ground for elusive Majorana particle

Melbourne Knowledge Week 2022

Together we’re stronger: developing a new layered material for future electronics

Liquid metals, surface patterns, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Where are they now? Life post-FLEET: Dr Jesse A. Vaitkus

Negative capacitance in topological transistors could reduce computing’s unsustainable energy load

Congratulations Bao Yue


Having your cake and eating it too: double-dosing induces magnetism while strengthening electron quantum oscillations in a topological insulator

Welcoming Simon Granville (MacDiarmid) new FLEET Partner Investigator

World record broken for thinnest X-ray detector ever created

Quantifying spin in WTe2 for future spintronics

Contact FLEET at RMIT


RMIT University Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia

T: +61 (3) 9925 3459

E: rmit.fleet@rmit.edu.au