News from FLEET’s team at ANU

Infrastructure funding for FLEET researchers

ARC Discovery funding

Yuerui (Larry) Lu wins Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year

Hybrid particles surprise with negative mass

Congratulations Matthias Wurdack: Schmidt Science Fellow

Leadership training

Trapping polaritons in an engineered quantum box

Matthias Wurdack off to Lindau Nobel meeting

Matthias image

Losing isn’t always bad: gaining topology from loss

Sandwich-style construction: towards ultra-low-energy exciton electronics

Ultra-short or infinitely long: it all looks the same

New DECRA fellowships at FLEET

Creative, online lab demonstrations maintain international collaborations

Australian STEM recognised in Shanghai rankings

Women in FLEET Honours students at RMIT, UNSW, ANU

Tools of the Trade: Eli Estrecho explains laser trapping for Nature series

FLEET reps at Science meets Parliament

A new, positive approach could be the key to next-generation, transparent electronics

Sloshing quantum fluids of light and matter to probe superfluidity

Scientists create armour for fragile quantum technology

Encasing fragile 2D semiconductors in ultrathin glass: A route towards compact ultra-low energy electronics

Congratulations Matthias Wurdack

New organic material unlocks faster and more flexible electronic devices at ANU

Research theme II virtual workshop

teleconference image

Congratulations Maciej Pieczarka ANU

Hosting research seminars in 2019

Ghostly particles detected in condensates of light and matter

Developing future scientific leaders

Introducing future electronics at secondary-school level

Lindau report

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