Developing future scientific leaders

FLEET tops up external funding to build leadership skills

Two of FLEET’s six strategic priorities are developing the next generation of science leaders, and fostering equity and diversity in STEM.

Establishing career support initiatives for women in FLEET is an important milestone towards achieving each of these goals.

FLEET will provide an environment for our early-career women to thrive and progress, so that they will grow into capable and confident leaders.

Efforts to increase the number of women in STEM in leadership positions will also have long-term benefits, as the increased number of women in science-leadership in turn become role-models to inspire future generations.

FLEET has sought out new training opportunities, which complement existing research and professional development programs offered by the Centre’s collaborating institutions.

WLA imageThrough the support of the Centre Equity and Diversity Committee, seven FLEET women were successful in securing partial scholarships, of $2,000 each, to enable them to participate in the Leading Edge program offered by Women and Leadership Australia. The scholarships are part of a national initiative supporting the increased presence of women in leadership roles across key industries. They are highly competitive and only a limited number of applicants from each organisation is eligible to apply.

Congratulations to the following FLEET members:

The Leading Edge program provides practical management and leadership training, with a holistic approach to building leadership skills and mindset. We think through this program, our women in FLEET will have an opportunity to increase resilience and the peer-to-peer supportive network they form will be invaluable for their careers.

To enable these talented members to take advantage of this opportunity, FLEET has topped up the scholarship amounts to cover the full cost of the program.

To support and develop female leaders, FLEET is also:

  • Implementing a budget that supports training opportunities for female members outside of Centre’s training program;
  • Fostering an inclusive working environment that serves to eliminate the conflict of research and family commitments;
  • Facilitating a women-specific mentoring network that connects our members to leading female STEM professionals;
  • Offering Women in FLEET scholarships, fellowships and grant schemes that support members with family or caring responsibilities.

More information on other initiatives by FLEET can be found at