FLEET-Monash News

News from FLEET’s team at Monash

When does a conductor not conduct? Switching a 2D metal-organic framework from an insulator to a metal

Alumni interview: Bernard Field

Infrastructure funding for FLEET researchers

US-Australia condensed-matter/cold atoms colloquia series

teleconference image

Meet FLEET innovation-and-industry event

ARC Discovery funding

Solving quantum mysteries: New insights into 2D semiconductor physics

High-bandwidth vector magnetometry for communication and navigation

High-performing n-type thermoelectrics based on bulk porous topological insulators

Scanbot: An STM Automation Bot

Examining the superconducting diode effect

Automated sensors for stand-off detection of toxic gases

Biosensors for point of care testing

Visible switching coatings for Smart Windows

Topological thermoelectric films with controlled porosity

Terahertz frequency switching in graphene

Towards high-temperature lossless electronics

Science Academy video: Prof Michael Fuhrer FAA

‘Topological gardening’ to achieve unexpected spin transport

Next-generation low-energy transistors

FLEET Director elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

Inspiring outreach, with bombs and light circuits

Destroying the superconductivity in a kagome metal

FLEET represents at Quantum Australia

Leadership training

Turning up the heat on topological thermoelectrics: FLEET Translation funding towards new chemical synthesis

Creating a quantum spark in primary students

A shield for 2D materials that adds vibrations to reduce vibration problems

Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh and Stefan Maier top 1%

Magnetism or no magnetism? The influence of substrates on electronic interactions

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