Jan Seidel co-edits first book on emerging domain wall nanoelectronics

FLEET CI Prof Jan Seidel (UNSW) is co-editor on a new book titled “Domain Walls – From Fundamental Properties to Nanotechnology Concepts” published by Oxford University Press.

It is the first to cover the emerging field of ferroelectric domain walls in depth, from underlying nanoscale material properties to prototype and emerging nanoelectronics technology and future research concepts in the area. The book offers:

  • Comprehensive coverage beyond scientific reviews
  • Information accessible for non-specialists and newcomers
  • Explores concepts for future research within the area

Technological evolution and revolution are both driven by the discovery of new functionalities, new materials and the design of yet smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient components. Domain wall nanoelectronics utilizes ‘atomically sharp’ topological defects, i.e. separating regions of uniform polarisation in ferroelectric materials to built functional elements.

“Progress in ferroelectric domain walls is being made at a breathtaking pace and shows potential for so called ‘agile electronics’, in which circuits can be reconfigured at will, something that looks beyond what’s currently possible with silicon CMOS architectures” says Prof Seidel.

Prof Jan Seidel, FLEET Chief Investigator, UNSW

Within FLEET, Jan Seidel’s team at UNSW Sydney focuses on advanced scanning probe microscopy (SPM) based research and the utilisation of complex oxide material systems for new functionality at the nanoscale and atomic length scales.