Pushing ‘print’ on large-scale piezoelectric materials

First ever large-scale 2D surface deposition of piezoelectric material Simple, inexpensive technique opens new fields for piezo-sensors & energy harvesting Researchers have developed a revolutionary method to ‘print’ large-scale sheets of two dimensional piezoelectric material, opening new opportunities for piezo-sensors and energy harvesting. Importantly, the inexpensive process allows the integration of piezoelectric components directly onto silicon chips. Until now, no …

Supercool, superconducting Mobius track helps communicate FLEET science

A super-cooled, superconducting Mobius-track impresses the crowds, helps embed FLEET science As a cool science demo, FLEET’s superconductor Mobius track ticks all the boxes: liquid nitrogen – tick. Superconductor – tick. Cool shape – tick. Relevance to the science – tick tick tick. The track features 1500 neodymium magnets, fixed into the shape of a Mobius strip, so that a …

New FLEET partnerships with Beijing and Wroclaw

We are extremely pleased to announce two new FLEET partners. The Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology have joined the 13 other leading Australian and international science organisations partnering with FLEET. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) is Poland’s top-ranked new-technology university, excelling in computer science, electronics and materials science. Our new Partner …

Putting a New Spin to the Hole Story

Controlling hole spin for future quantum spin-based devices, topological materials The ‘spins’ of electrons (and holes) in semiconductors have potential applications in spintronics, spin-based quantum computing, and topological systems. A particle’s spin is its intrinsic angular momentum. In a magnetic field, the spins of electrons or holes becomes oriented either parallel (‘spin-up’) or anti-parallel (‘spin-down’) to the field direction – just …

Building artificial atoms using holes

Hole-based artificial atoms could be key to spin-based qubit First isolation of one individual hole in a silicon MOSFET quantum dot A UNSW study published this week resolves key challenges in creation of hole-based artificial atoms, with excellent potential for more-stable, faster, more scalable quantum computing. Artificial atoms in quantum computing The spin states of electrons confined to semiconductor quantum …

Congratulations Harley Scammell: PhD recognised

Exciting new states of quantum matter enlisted to important environmental challenges FLEET’s Harley Scammell’s outstanding PhD recognised by UNSW The thesis “Interplay of quantum and statistical fluctuations in critical quantum matter” will be published by Springer in hardcover and ebook. “It’s really great to have this research recognised by UNSW”, says Harley. “Hopefully, having the thesis published at Springer will make this …

Atomic-scale material engineering, inspired by nature

New materials inspired by nature could be key to future electronics Self-assembled nanostructures have atomically-precise structure and tailored electronic properties Bio organisms are the most-complex machines we know, and are capable of achieving demanding functions with great efficiency. A common theme in these bio-machines is that everything important happens at the level of single molecules – that is, at the …

Congratulations Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh, ARC Laureate Fellow

Congratulations to FLEET’s Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh — named an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow today. Kourosh’s significant influences in engineering include two-dimensional (2D) transition metal compounds, liquid metals, microfluidics, sensors, electronic devices and medical systems. He is an expert in chemical and biochemical sensors, nanotechnology, microsystems, materials science, electronics, gastroenterology, medical devices and microfluidics, and has made internationally-recognised contributions to the …

Chiral flow: twisting exciton-polariton condensates at exceptional points

Outstanding problem in exciton-polariton physics resolved using exceptional points at ANU Chirality of mode at EP opens future research avenues for exciton-polariton physics Researchers at ANU recently proved a novel method for generating orbital angular momentum states (vortices), with a topological charge that is ensured by an exceptional point. Recent studies at the ANU resolve an outstanding problem in exciton-polariton …

Why 2D? Measuring thickness-dependent electronic properties

Why 2D? What is it about two-dimensional materials that makes them so interesting for FLEET? FLEET UNSW/Wollongong collaboration finds transition point from 3D to 2D properties Constraining the movement of charge carriers (electrons or holes) to two dimensions unlocks unusual quantum properties, resulting in useful electronic properties. Although we refer to the layers within such materials as ‘2D’, they are …

Puzzling results explained: a multiband approach to Coulomb drag and indirect excitons

Taking a multiband approach explains ‘electron-hole reverse drag’ and exciton formation Mystifying experimental results obtained independently by two research groups in the USA seemed to show coupled holes and electrons moving in the opposite direction to theory. Now, a new theoretical study has explained the previously mysterious result, by showing that this apparently contradictory phenomenon is associated with the bandgap …

Science fiction becomes science fact as researchers create liquid metal heartbeat

Discovery has potential applications in artificial muscles, soft robotics and microfluidic circuitry In a breakthrough discovery, University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers have created a “heartbeat” effect in liquid metal, causing the metal to pulse rhythmically in a manner similar to a beating heart. Their findings are published in the 11 July issue of Physical Review Letters, the world’s premier journal …

Love of maths leads to spin PhD: Congratulations Dr Elizabeth Marcellina

Maths and spin: key to new electronics A love of maths brought Elizabeth Marcellina to the study of quantum and condensed-matter physics, where her recently completed PhD research studied possible routes to faster, more efficient electronics, by harnessing the ‘spin’ of the carriers in common semiconductors. As Moore’s law is coming to an end, much effort has been devoted to …

Centre collaboration combines material expertise

FLEET RMIT—UNSW collaboration measuring transport properties of van der Waals heterostructures FLEET PhD Cheng Tan (RMIT) visited UNSW’s labs in May to perform magnetic coupling measurements on 2D ferromagnetic crystals. The visit was reciprocated this month with FLEET Research Fellow Feixiang Xiang (UNSW) visiting RMIT to construct van der Waals structures for studying of 2D topological systems. This collaboration between …

Trapping light–matter particles at ANU

FLEET collaboration traps light–matter particles FLEET’s Research theme 2 seeks to create near-zero resistance flow of exciton polaritons, which are hybrid quasi-particles that are part matter and part light. Their ability to flow without resistance relies on formation of an exciton-polariton condensate – a collective quantum state that behaves as a superfluid. In superfluids, particles flow without encountering any resistance …

Launching low energy electronics: FLEET Launch 12 June

Our insatiable appetite for computing means ITC already consumes 5–8% of global electricity, and is doubling each decade. Unless that ever-growing demand for computing can continue to be met with efficiency gains, the information revolution will slow down from power hunger. At the launch of a new Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence the audience heard that efficiency gains in current, …

More than just great science: Matt Davis at the Centre Launch

FLEET will deliver much more than excellent science for Australian society. We are training some of the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. We will help them develop not only technical research skills, but also transferable skills that will be useful to them no matter what their eventual career direction. For example, we have ensured that our research groups …

FLEET’s challenge and legacy

The challenge of finding a sustainable path to continuing the IT revolution is critical, and time is running out. I can tell you today with reasonable certainty that Moore’s Law will be declared dead within the seven-year operation of the Centre–perhaps even before our mid-term review! Computer chips will cease to gain in efficiency, and yet our demand for computation …

The case for FLEET: 8% of global electricity now consumed by computing

The information technology revolution has improved our lives, and we want it to continue. For example, our smartphone has become one of the most important devices of our everyday life: we use it to access up-to-date weather predictions, to plot the best route through traffic, and to watch the new series of House of Cards. And we expect it be …

Launch of FLEET Centre of Excellence to tackle hidden energy costs of computing

Official launch: Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies 12 June 2018, 11 AM New Horizons Building, Monash University, Clayton We have an insatiable appetite for computing. But our ongoing need for computation is burning more than 5 percent of global electricity. And that figure is expected to double each decade. A new Australian Research Council …

The innovative science behind FLEET: Jared Cole at the Centre Launch

When using an electronic device to watch tv, listen to music, model the weather or any other task that requires information to be processes, there are millions and millions of binary calculations going on in the background. There are zeros and ones being flipped, added, multiplied and divided at incredible speeds. The fact that a microprocessor can perform these calculations …

Macro-chips and electronic card games: challenging students

Fresh minds develop hands-on learning methods for schools FLEET is developing innovative ways to communicate physics to school students. A collaboration with Monash University Science allowed the Centre to enlist fresh brains to this communications challenge. A team of maths and physics students from Monash Bachelor of Science–Global Challenges took on the task of developing hands-on games and resources to demonstrate …

Physicists invent flux capacitor, break time-reversal symmetry

In the popular movie franchise “Back to the Future”, an eccentric scientist creates a time machine that runs on a flux capacitor. Now a group of actual physicists from Australia and Switzerland have proposed a device which uses the quantum tunneling of magnetic flux around a capacitor, breaking time-reversal symmetry. The research, published this week in Physical Review Letters, proposes …

Agustin describes atomic-scale materials engineering on RRR

FLEET Chief Investigator Agustin Schiffrin spoke on science show Einstein a Go-Go about experimental physics at the atomic scale, and the study of exciting new nanomaterials with tailored electronic properties. Listen   Agustin researches new nanomaterials with novel and exotic electronic properties, constructed of organic (carbon-based) molecules, sometimes inspired by bio-organisms. The team studies topological materials, which display a range of fascinating, …

Sharing a passion for science: outreach to schools

FLEET shares the responsibility to support students and teachers to increase participation in science, and in particular works towards increasing the number of girls and women participating in physics, chemistry and engineering. The Centre Launch on 12 June will showcase FLEET’s science outreach programs, educating the public and inspiring a new generation of scientists. Home Science and FLEET Geeks programs …

Carlos talks ultra-cold atoms and inspiring schoolkids to do science, RRR

FLEET postdoc Dr Carlos Kuhn described his field of ultra-cold atomic science and the fundamental discoveries made in an interview with RRR science show Einstein a Go-Go. The research will take a huge step forward this year with the commissioning of a new ARC-funded quantum-gas microscope, which will bridge the microscopic (atomic) and macroscopic (visible) worlds. Carlos also described his …

Thinner is better: van der Waals (vdW) material shows the right stuff at 200 nanometres

The unusual electronic and magnetic properties of van der Waals (vdW) materials, made up of many ‘stacked’ 2D layers, offer potential for future electronics, including spintronics. In a recent study, FLEET researchers at RMIT found that one promising candidate material, Fe3GeTe2 (FGT), fits the bill – provided it’s created in layers only 200 millionths of a millimetre in thickness. This …

Single-atom manipulation at Swinburne with new, shared quantum-gas microscope

Bridge between microscopic and macroscopic behaviour A new quantum-gas microscope facility at Swinburne University of Technology will allow studies of ultra-cold atomic gases, giving researchers the ability to image and manipulate single atoms. The facility will allow study of quantum effects at a macroscopic scale: a major unsolved issue in physics. To harness the full potential of such quantum materials, …

Rebecca Orrell-Trigg (RMIT) interview re liquid metal and 2D materials, RRR

FLEET PhD student Rebecca Orrell-Trigg (RMIT) uses liquid metals to synthesise 2D (atomically thin) materials for use in future ultra-low energy electronic devices. Late last year they developed a liquid metal “bubbling” method that was described as “ground breaking”, and have since refined this method to make it even more widely applicable. Rebecca’s interview covered the advantages of the new …

Characterising tin-oxide growth: improved understanding of ground-breaking liquid-metal 2D technique

Last year, FLEET researchers at RMIT developed a ground-breaking new method of depositing atomically-thin (two-dimensional) crystals using molten metals, described as a ‘once-in-a-decade’ advance. Earlier this year, the same research team expanded the new method from controlled to ambient conditions, and has properly characterised the growth mechanisms for key tin oxides, which should allow improved control of target oxide growth. …