Carlos talks ultra-cold atoms and inspiring schoolkids to do science, RRR

Carlos and Swinburne colleagues commissioning the new microscope. From left, Sacha Hoinka, Paul Dyke, Ivan Herrera and Carlos Kuhn.

FLEET postdoc Dr Carlos Kuhn described his field of ultra-cold atomic science and the fundamental discoveries made in an interview with RRR science show Einstein a Go-Go.

The research will take a huge step forward this year with the commissioning of a new ARC-funded quantum-gas microscope, which will bridge the microscopic (atomic) and macroscopic (visible) worlds.

Carlos also described his work in schools to inspire a new generation of scientists, including teaching kids to code and experiments with water-powered rockets!



Systems driven far from thermal equilibrium exhibit qualitatively different physics, with new capabilities for dynamically controlling their behaviour. FLEET’s Research theme 3 investigates non-equilibrium schemes that can allow for ultra-low dissipation, realising a new paradigm for dissipationless devices.

Research focuses on non-equilibrium topological phenomena, in which a time-dependent driving force can change the nature of a system from conventional to topological. Outcomes of this theme will pave the way for future solid-state technologies.

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