Forces and Energy: Energy and Work

What do we mean by energy? Energy is the capacity of a physical system to do work or cause a change. We will examine what this means in detail below, but to help establish students’ baseline understanding of energy get students to do Activity 1. What is energy? Why is understanding energy important? When we design and build stuff important ...

Virtual visits to FLEET labs

We’ve shown many groups of keen science students through the FLEET labs at Monash University. However many other schools aren’t able to visit in person. Introducing virtual visits to the FLEET labs! You can now tour the labs virtually, including scanning tunnelling microscopes (STMs) used to study atomically-thin materials (materials just one or two layers of atoms in thickness) laser …

Classroom Demos

A classroom demonstration is a great way to capture student attention and make your lesson memorable. Here, you will find a list of Australian Curriculum content descriptions and examples of potential demos from our Home Science activities you can do when teaching particular topics.  

“Wired” Card Game

FLEET is working to develop next generation electronics. As such, its members have a strong interest in the education of electronics. This prototype card game, Wired, was developed by a team of undergraduate students as part of a 3rd year project. Wired can be used help students learn circuit diagram components. Students can make a variety of circuits, learning to …