FLEET Strategic Research Seed Funding Program

Applications close 18 Oct 2019

FLEET invites applications from research teams to fund new research initiatives that contribute to FLEET’s mission to develop low-energy electronics.

The goals of this Strategic Research Seed Funding Program are to:

> bring new research ideas into FLEET which may enhance existing Research Themes or seed new Themes

> bring new investigators into FLEET, or involve existing Associate and/or Partner Investigators more closely with FLEET; and

> improve the diversity of FLEET’s network.

FLEET research fellows, current and prospective associate investigators are encouraged to apply. Please find attached the formal invitation including application guidelines for your reference. View the full application guidelines and selection criteria.

Proposals will be accepted from research teams. Each team of investigators:

  1. must be led by an existing AI in FLEET, a FLEET Fellow, or new FLEET AI, who may be any researcher at an ARC Eligible Organisation in Australia, to be appointed upon success of the proposal
  2. must include at least one CI in FLEET
  3. may include additional investigators, who may be FLEET researchers and partners, additional researchers at Eligible Organisations, or additional partners at existing FLEET partner organisations or other Australian or international organisations who could become associate investigators or partner investigators in FLEET.

A full listing of existing FLEET investigators can be found at the FLEET Team page.

Selection Process

A selection committee will be chosen by the FLEET Executive Committee to review the proposals and rank them according to how will they address the following criteria:

> Research program

> Synergy with FLEET

> Diversity

> Value for money in accomplishing the goals of this program.

Application information

To apply, please submit the below form by COB 18 October 2019 with a two-page pdf containing:

  1. a summary of the research to be undertaken;
  2. the relation of the research to existing areas within FLEET;
  3. the potential for growth of the research area within FLEET or as part of a new centre to be proposed in CE23, including potential for additional personnel;
  4. a list of investigators and their expertise and roles in the project; and
  5. a summary budget.

For all inquiries about this funding program, please contact Dr Tich-Lam Nguyen, FLEET Chief Operating Officer at: tich-lam.nguyen@monash.edu or +61 3 9905 9278.