The oases and mirages of the quantum future

Kavan Modi

Kavan Modi, Director, Quantum for New South Wales

There is a new game-changing technology announced every three minutes on LinkedIn. If you do your own research, you will be looking to buy a quantum computer tomorrow. Is this reality or just hype?

We will talk about the current standing of quantum technologies, the quantum ecosystem, and the quantum industry. We will discuss the challenges that remain outstanding in building quantum computers and the problems and use cases that may benefit from this technology. Finally, we will discuss what role should academia and government play to promote and shape this technology.

About the presenter

Prof Kavan Modi is the director of Quantum for New South Wales, a state-funded centre aimed at exploring the potential benefits of quantum technologies for the people and workforce of NSW. The QfNSW also aims to support the vibrant quantum ecosystem and quantum industry in the state of NSW, as well as help to train the next generation of workforce.

Kavan is also a professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Monash University, where his group works with several quantum hardware companies to characterise and control noise in quantum hardware.