Strong signature of Landau level fan from high order moiré pattern in double aligned graphene heterostructures

In this work, we report the transport measurement of double aligned graphene heterostructures. We observe strong signature of Landau level fan of a second order moiré pattern due to the interference of the moiré patterns from top and bottom graphene surfaces. The periodicity of the second order moiré pattern is about double the maximum periodicity of moiré patterns in graphene heterostructures. Our work indicates the second order moiré pattern in graphene heterostructures may make it possible to measure the high Bloch bands in Hofstadter energy spectrum.

About the presenter

Feixiang Xiang is a Research Fellow at UNSW with CI Alex Hamilton. He is studying the emergent physical properties of topological matter using quantum transport measurements, as part of FLEET’s Research Theme 1, Topological Materials.