Strength Challenge

How strong do you think you are? Are you stronger than two people? Three? Four? Here is a trick you can do to show people how “strong”  you are.

What you need:

  • a wall
  • several people (one at least needs to have weaker arms than you)

What to do:

  1. Tell everyone how strong you are. Say that you are stronger than everyone combined and that you’ll prove it.
  2. Stand facing a wall, with your arms straight and your hands pressed against the wall.
  3. Get someone you know isn’t as strong as you to stand behind you, and push on your shoulders, trying to make your arms bend.
  4. If your arms don’t bend, get someone else to stand in the row, pushing against the next person’s shoulders.
  5. Keep adding people to the row, each pushing on the shoulders of the person in front of them. Eventually someone’s arms will bend and the challenge will be over.

What happens:

Each time you add someone to the row of people, their strength is not added. They are simply pushing on the shoulders of the person directly in front of them. As long as you can keep your arms straight when the person behind you is pushing on your shoulders, it doesn’t matter how many people are added on the back, and you will be able to claim victory of being stronger than everyone!


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