Swinburne: Floquet topological superfluidity in a 2D Fermi gas

Supervisor:  Chris Vale, Paul Dyke

The aim of this project is to study Floquet topological superfluidity using 2D gases of lithium-6 atoms in the vicinity of a p-wave Feshbach resonance. Experiments to date have found that gases prepared near a p-wave resonance become unstable due to inelastic losses. Recent theoretical work has identified a potential way to overcome these losses in lower-dimensional and periodically modulated systems. This research will explore pathways for utilising non-equilibrium phenomena to enhance dissipationless transport in two-dimensional quantum matter.

See https://www.swinburne.edu.au/research/research-degrees/degrees-programs/phd-doctor-of-philosophy/ for more information on applying for a PhD project.