Magnetic second-order topological insulator from inverted p-d orbitals

 Zhao Liu

Zhao Liu, Monash

The extension of second-order topological insulators (SOTIs) to magnetic materials has opened new avenues for exploration nowadays. Compared with the well-studied nonmagnetic SOTIs, the pursuit of magnetic SOTIs remains limited due to a lack of comprehensive understanding, particularly concerning the underlying orbitals.

This study addresses this knowledge gap by focusing on insulators with inverted p−d orbitals. By employing a tight-binding model, we illuminate the critical role of doubly inverted p − d orbitals in determining SOTI phase. To achieve this orbital inversion in magnetic materials, we turn our attention to ferromagnetic negative charge-transfer energy insulators.

Through a symmetry-based topological invariant analysis, density-functional theory, Wilson loop and tight-binding calculations, we identify the ferromagnetic CrAs monolayer as a representative ferromagnetic SOTI. Importantly, we demonstrate that SOTI can never be realized in this material without such p−d orbitals inversion. Our findings establish a novel and broadly applicable pathway to magnetic SOTIs.

About the presenter

Zhao is a Research Fellow in CI Nikhil Medhekar‘s group. After completing his PhD in 2018, Zhao is exploring magnetic materials and topological materials theoretically. He aims to understand the integration of magnetism and topology in 2D materials. This work fits the FLEET Research Theme 1, Topological Materials.