Fizzy Colours

A simple but very effective experiment, to enthuse even the youngest scientist.

What you need:

  • Vinegar
  • Bicarbonate soda (baking soda)
  • Different coloured food dyes
  • Containers to mix, eg. cups, muffin tray

What to do:

  1. Fill your cups or muffin trays about half way with vinegar.
  2. Add a couple of drops of food dye to each cup.
  3. Add a heaped teaspoon of bicarbonate soda to each cup.
  4. Stand back and watch the fizz.

What happens:

When you add vinegar to bicarbonate soda, a chemical reaction happens where carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced. This is a gas, and its production causes the bubbling – a really simple and fun experiment!