Falling Rings

Create something out of keyrings that appears to be a magic trick

What you need:

  • at least 24 keyrings, preferably 12 of one colour and 12 of another colour (or coloured). You can purchase coloured and silver keyrings at Officeworks.

What to do:

  1. Join all the coloured keyrings together in a line.
  2. Hold the coloured rings up by the end ring.
  3. Connect a silver ring to the top ring.
  4. Add a silver ring so it is connected to the silver ring and the coloured ring above it.
  5. Add another silver ring so it goes through the two rings above it (one silver, one coloured).
  6. Continue to add silver rings, adding them so they go around in a circle.
  7. Holding the rings up by the top one, take hold of one of the second rings and let go of the top one. If nothing happens, try again, this time holding the second ring at the back.


What happens:

Each time you drop the top ring, the rings on one side of the chain flip over, going in a helical motion, creating a type of illusion where it looks like the rings are all falling down, making the chain longer. However, it only works when you hold the rings in a certain way. Try to figure out which way you need to hold the rings in order to make it work.


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