STEM Talks

  • STEM Talks
     15 Aug 2017
     5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Doing science is seldom formulaic or prescriptive. It is exciting, creative, and highly rewarding.

A group of leading Monash scientists will share brief insights into the challenges they face when undertaking cutting edge STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) research.

Each speaker will tell stories from their research tackling some of the most pressing problems of the twenty first century.

Learn how research questions (and careers) are sparked, how research problems are overcome, how novel and innovative research approaches come about and how new ways of thinking can lead to surprising scientific solutions.

FLEET director, Prof. Michael Fuhrer, will be presenting his research on topological materials.

  • Modelling the future of our climate – Beyond the crystal ball! Prof Christian Jakob
  • The great unknown – how optimisation technology can help you find better solutions to everyday problems ProfMaria Garcia de la Banda
  • Metals, insulators, and something new: The discovery of “topological insulators” and how they might change the world FLEET Director Prof Michael Fuhrer

Visit to register.



21 Chancellors Walk, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3800, Australia