Electronic and spintronic properties of Heusler alloy Co2MnGa

Yuefeng Yin

Yuefeng Yin, Monash

Co2MnGa, a Weyl ferromagnet characterized by its cubic-based high structural symmetry, has garnered significant attention owing to its promising capabilities in electronic and spintronic applications. The specific structural attributes of this compound play a pivotal role in shaping its electronic transport properties, often leading to unconventional phenomena that diverge from conventional expectations.

In this study, we employ a combination of density functional theory (DFT) calculations, tight-binding modeling, and experimental measurements to illustrate the highly tunable electronic and spintronic characteristics of Co2MnGa.

This includes thickness-dependent behavior, the emergence of self-induced anisotropic spin-orbit torque (SOT), and the manifestation of strong anomalous Hall conductivity even in the absence of crystalline ordering. Our findings suggest that by manipulating the intrinsic structural arrangements, Co2MnGa can exhibit a versatile range of electronic and spintronic responses, holding promise for a wide array of applications.

About the presenter

Dr Yuefeng Yin investigates novel 2D and 3D topological materials, looking for potential in electronic and spintronic applications using first-principles quantum mechanics simulations and Wannier tight-binding methods.

Within FLEET, Yuefeng works with Prof Nikhil Medhekar and Prof Michael Fuhrer in Research theme 1: topological materials.