Egg Drop

A science task with a touch of creativity and design.

What you need:

This task can be done with as many or as few components as you like. You can use whatever materials you have around the house, such as:

  • tissues
  • toilet rolls
  • straws
  • sticky tape
  • string
  • newspaper
  • plastic bags

You’ll also need a raw egg.

What to do:

You have an egg that is an astronaut. Your challenge is to design a landing vehicle for your astronaut that will allow them to safely return to Earth after an important space mission. You should use whatever materials you have on hand to design this vehicle. When you are finished, drop your astronaut in their vehicle from as high as you can – will your astronaut survive?

What happens:

If you can successfully slow your egg-astronaut down, enough so they land softly on the ground, your astronaut will survive and live to be an astronaut another day. Otherwise, they will fall victim to the perils of space travel, resulting in a broken egg.