Matthew Weidman
Scientific Associate Investigator, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Dr Matthew Weidman is a research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) and the Ludwig-Maximilians Universitity Munich, with experience in attosecond physics and metrology, ultrashort pulse lasers, laser-material interaction, THz generation, laser filamentation, and spectroscopy. With the benefit of ultra-broad bandwidth metrology techniques being developed to complement attosecond streaking and transient absorption, Dr. Weidman’s current and future research programs at MPQ will focus on sub-fs metrology of carrier dynamics within metals, semiconductors, and dielectrics. His knowledge and expertise on the forefront of waveform control and metrology, for ultrashort light pulses at IR, visible and UV wavelengths, nicely compliments the investigation of new and novel materials and corresponding of light mater interaction.